Achieving Privacy And Security In Multi Owner Cloud Using Novel Secure Search Protocol And AES
Cloud computing provide benefits of individual users and organizations which minimizes investment and resource usage cost. Data owners forwarding the data to cloud servers without local data management and data users retrieving the data from cloud. Privacy and security considerations earlier research done only single owner model along with secure search. To download all the encoded information and decrypt them locally. Be that as it may, this technique is clearly unrealistic on the grounds that it will bring about a colossal measure of correspondence overhead. Positioned multi-keyword search will cause substantial calculation and capacity costs.Existing schemes are incurring more communication overhead for secure search and these are supporting only single owner model. We present multi owner model with privacy preserving ranked multi-keyword search for re-encrypted cloud data by using AES 256 bit provides privacy of data, keywords and trapdoors. A novel dynamic secret key generation protocol is used to prevent attackers from secret key the fting and acting as valid user. Propose approaches minimizes computation and storage cost along with secure search.
COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 1 (2), Dec-2012(Volume-I, Issue-II)
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