Intelligent Anti-Theft System for Automobiles

B Jhony, A Venkateswara Rao


Security is prime sympathy toward everybody. These days all the car are outfitted with auto cop systems. Despite the fact that, the criminals are breaking the obstructions and take the vehicles. This venture is the right answer for this issue. Utilizing this venture, one can control his vehicle's car engine by method for a SMS. Hence, to conquer the above disadvantages, we are utilizing one of the remote correspondence procedure i.e., GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is a digital cellular communications system which has quickly picked up acknowledgment and piece of the pie around the world. ARM is the heart of the task. A GSM modem is interfaced to microcontroller. This modem receives the messages from control mobile and sends as contribution to MCU. The MCU check for validation o and, in the event that IT is approved, engine control will be taken place.16X2 LCD is interfaced to show client required information. In this task TRAIC is utilized as burden controller (as a switch), MOC3021 utilized as a Triac driver. This undertaking utilizes controlled 5v, 750mA power supply. 7805 and 7812 three terminal voltage controllers are utilized for voltage direction. Bridge type full wave rectifier is utilized to redress the air conditioner yield of auxiliary of 230/12v step down transformer. The report comprises of a foundation into the territory of ARM microcontroller and mobile correspondence, how they are interfaced to each other and AT (Attention) summons set utilized as a part of correspondence.


GSM Modem, GPS Module, LPC1769 CORTEX M3, SMS, car safety.


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