Design and Performance Analysis of slotted E-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications

V Ramesh


This paper introduces the design and simulation of E-shape microstrip patch antenna displaying wideband operating frequencies for different wireless applications. This antenna will give the wide data transmission which is required in different applications like wireless detecting, biomedical application, versatile radio satellite, wireless correspondence and so on. The coaxial encourage or test nourish system is utilized as a part of the test. The execution of the planned antenna was broke down as far as data transfer capacity, pick up, return misfortune, VSWR, and radiation design. The outline is upgraded to meet the most ideal result. The proposed antenna is planned via air substrate which has a dielectric consistent of 1.0006. The outcomes demonstrate the wideband antenna can work from 2.2 to 8.2 GHz frequency band with ideal frequency at 4.4 GHz. Miniaturized scale strip antennas are generally utilized as a part of numerous applications because of their position of safety, minimal effort and simplicity of manufacture. In a few applications it is craved to have a double band or multiband qualities. This paper shows the outline of E-shape small scale strip patch antenna with wideband operating frequency for wireless application. The shape will give the wide transfer speed which is required in different application like wireless detecting, biomedical application, portable radio, satellite correspondence and so forth.


E-shaped Antenna, Wireless Communication, high gain, microstrip patch antenna, probe feed


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