Cfd Analysis To Predict Heat Transfer Performance Of Louver Fin Radiator With Water/Eg & Al2o3 Nano Fluid
In this paper study of heat transfer in louver fin radiator and nanofluids mixing with base fluid (water+EG) has enhanced. The fins of radiator setup were made with louvers by turbulence of air flowing over it and coolant of water based nanofluid has been compared to that of base fluid in an automobile radiator. Three different concentrations of nanofluids in the range of 1%, 3% & 5% of vol. % have been prepared by the addition of Al2O3 nanoparticles into the coolant flows through the radiator elliptical cross section of tubes and air makes a cross flow with constant speed & constant flow rate in radiator. The design of louver fin element in CATIA V5R20 and analysis was done by using ANSYS R14.5workbench. To predict heat transfer characteristics of a louver fin element, the microscopic analysis employs modeling of the detailed geometry of a fin element. Numerical models for the heat transfer rate derived from the microscopic analysis. Results demonstrate that louver fins element create more air turbulence Meanwhile, increasing the Vol. concentration of nanoparticles can improve the heat transfer performance can enhance heat transfer efficiency.
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