Effect of nano particles on air conditioning compressor performance

K P China Srinivasa, A.Srinivas Rao


Nano particles are found to attract the attention in the recent years due to their diverse uses.   Addition of metal or non-metal oxides to a base fluid leads to a different working fluid called NANO FLUID. Addition of Nano particles lead to change in both transport and thermal properties for fluid. In a traditional air conditioning system, there will be certain amount of lubricating oil that is carried away by the refrigerant in the compressor. So certain amount of lubricating oil circulates along with the refrigerant in the air conditioning circuit. If the solubility of lubricating oil in the refrigerant is low, there is a danger of accumulation of lubricating oil in the condenser. If the solubility of lubricating oil in the refrigerant is high, refrigerant washes away all the lubricating oil in the compressor and there is a danger of abrasion in the compressor. There is a danger of sedimentation of Nano particles in compressor if it is not dispersed properly in the oil. If the Nano particles are not correctly dispensed, there is a danger of their interference with environment. Nano particles are found to hinder the growth of plants. They are carcinogenic and hence care should be taken to handle them judiciously. Economic issues regarding the usage of Nano particles have also to be considered as they are quite expensive.The refrigerant used in the air-conditioning setup that is used for testing is R-410a. The refrigerant R-410a is azeotropic suggesting that the phase change temperature does not remain constant as in the case of traditional refrigerants. Temperature of the refrigerant (R-410a) decreases during the phase change. The refrigerant used in the air-conditioning setup that is used for testing is R-410a. The refrigerant R-410a is azeotropic suggesting that the phase change temperature does not remain constant as in the case of traditional refrigerants. Temperature of the refrigerant (R-410a) decreases during the phase change.


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