A Novel Approach for Consistent Self Organizing By Using Agile Methods

G.Lakshmi Mounica, T.Sai Durga


Agile processes are highly talented activities in Software Engineering. These processes has been implementing successfully to increase the customer satisfaction and to decrease the response time. The advantages of these processes  are also presented in this paper. The link exchange method between customer and developer by using Agile process  was presented. Software development teams and their clients will have wide range of communication and execute their tasks as a consistent self-organizing team is presented in this paper. These teams have been recognized in socio-technical systems,, agents of knowledge management, and as examples of complex-adaptive systems. Over the last decade, self-organizing teams plays a major role stage in software environment when they were considerd as a mark of Agile methods. These roles Mentor, Coordinator, mediator, Champion, Promoter, and Terminator are supposed to provide their guidance and adherence to Agile methods, effectively reaching customer expectations and coordinating customer specifications, securing and sustaining senior management support, and identifying and terminating the team members with inconsistent  self-organizing ability of the team.


Agile Process; Software Engineering; Self-Organizing; Development Roles


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