Habitual Test Packet Generation And Fault Localization

KSNM Chaitanya, U Vinod Kumar


now a day’s Networks are getting larger and more complex, hence network admin depend on normal tools such as ping and to trace route debug the problems. We are proposing automatic and systematic approach for testing and debugging networks called “Automatic Test Packet Generation and Fault Localizationâ€. ATPG read router configurations and generates a unique model. This model is generating a minimum set of test packets to exercise every link in network exercise every rule in the network. Test packets are sent periodically and detected failure trigger a separate mechanism to localize the fault. ATPG can detect both functional testing and performance testing problems. ATPG complements but goes beyond earlier work in static checking or fault localization. We describe our prototype ATPG implementation and results on two real-world data sets applications: like Stanford University’s backbone network and Internet2. We find that small number of test packets suffices test all rules in these networks.


Data plane analysis, network troubleshooting, test packet generation


Zeng , Kazemian, Varghese,and Nick “Automatic Test Packet Generationâ€,VOL. 22, NO. 2, APRIL 2014

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