Implementation of A 15-Level Inverter With MMC Technique Using Facts Equipment
The implementation of a 15-level inverter with modular multilevel converter (MMC) technique for single-phase wind energy inverter (WEI) using facts technology is presented in this paper. With this WEI proposed inverter, for small size wind applications will eliminate the use of capacitor banks and FACTS devices are work to control the PF of the distribution lines. The goal of this manuscript is to initiate new ways to enlarge the value of renewable energy systems into the distribution systems with the help of FACTS technology. The function of the proposed inverter is to transport active power to the grid as well as maintenance the PF of the local power lines constant at a target PF at any rate of the incoming active power from the wind turbine. The proposed single-phase wind power inverter is placed between the wind turbine and the grid. This inverter is able to control active and reactive powers transferred to the grid. The new types of converters with FACTS technology will significantly reduce the total cost of the renewable energy application. A modular multilevel converter is used to meet all the requirements with IEEE standards, total harmonic distortion (THD), efficiency, and total cost of the system. The proposed control strategy regulates the active and reactive power using power angle and modulation index, respectively. The simulations for 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15-level inverters have been done in MATLAB/Simulink. The % THDs have presented for all these levels.
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