Design of an Optical Blood Pressure Sensor for Noninvasive monitoring of blood pressure

M Raghunath, venneti kiran, Srinubabu Aravapalli


In modern society, patients often have access to a wealth of electronic data concerning their social networks and surroundings, but have little personalized insight into their own health. Our plan is to distribute a small handheld device with an array of biometric sensors to collect data about a user’s body. With the patient’s current and past data, we can give the patients a pre-diagnosis (outlining symptoms and possible sickness) using machine learning techniques to create a general summary of the patient’s symptoms and potential treatment while collaborating with physicians to reach a final consensus of the patient’s health status before the patient is aware of his/her illness. We want to empower users with basic knowledge of their vital signs and help them be more proactive in disease prevention while relying less on frequent primary care physician office visits.


Blood Pressure, AtMega 1284p, XBee, GUI, Pulse Time Transit.


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