A New Controlling Technique for Elimination Lower Order Harmonics In A Three Phase PV Inverter System
In this paper, a new controlling technique for elimination lower order harmonics in a three phase PV inverter system topology consisting of a boost section, a low-voltage three-phase inverter with an inductive filter, and a step-up transformer has been proposed. This topology will reduce any lower order harmonics due to high-frequency pulse width modulation operation. However, the non-ideal factors in the system contribute to a important amount of lower order harmonics in the grid current. A new propose of inverter current control mitigates lower order harmonics is presented three phase PV inverter system. A new controller has designed and presented for the lower order harmonic compensation. In addition to that a proportional-resonant-integral (PRI) regulator has been designed. This paper includes an analysis to intend the value of the gain in the proportional controller to achieve an adequate level of harmonic compensation. This PRI controller eliminates the dc element in the control system and introduces even harmonics in the grid current in this topology. The dynamics of the system due to the communication between the PRI controller and the adaptive compensation scheme is also analyzed. The proposed system has constructed in MATLAB/SIMULINK software and the results have been shown.
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