A Grid Level High Power Back To Back System Using Modular Multilevel Cascade Converter Without Dc Link Capacitor

Nikhilesh Reddy, Y.Raja Babu


In this paper a fuzzy logic controller have been designed for back-to back (BTB) system unifying two modular multilevel cascade converters (MMCCs). Based on double-star chopper cells BTB system designed. The two DSCCs connected back-to-back consist of multiple cascaded chopper cells and a center-tapped inductor. Low voltage steps bring significant reductions in harmonic voltage and current to the BTB system. Neither dc-link capacitor nor voltage sensors required for regulating the dc-link voltage and controlling theca-link current. A three-phase downscaled BTB system with phase-shifted PWM is designed, with fuzzy logic controller to verify its operating principles and performance. The fuzzy logic controller improves the performance of the BTB system, compared with the conventional system. Analytical, simulated results agree well with each other in steady and transient states. Simulation waveforms can be done with MATLAB/SIMULINK software, and shows the effectiveness of a self-starting procedure.


Asynchronous intertie, back-to-back (BTB) systems, grid-connected power converters, modular multilevel cascade converters (MMCCs)


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