Evalauation Of Heat Transfer Characteristics Of Titanium Nitride And Titanium Carbide Nano Fluids In Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
The Shell and tube heat exchangers signify the most widely used vehicle for the transfer of heat in industrial process and applications. Shell and tube heat exchangers have the capability to transfer huge amounts of heat in relatively less cost, serviceable designs. They can present huge amounts of effective tube surface while minimizing the requirements of floor space, liquid volume and weight. A decade ago, with the rapid development of current nanotechnology, particles of nanometre-size (normally less than 100 nm) are used as an alternative of micrometre-size for dispersing in base liquids, and they are called as nanofluids. In this analytical investigations are done on the shell and tube heat exchanger, using forced convective heat transfer to determine flow characteristics of nanofluids by varying volume fractions and mixed with water, the nanofluids are Titanium Carbide and Titanium Nitride nanofluids and different volume concentrations (0.02,0.04,0.07and 0.15)% flowing under turbulent flow conditions.Thermal and CFD analysis is done on the heat exchanger by applying the properties of the nanofluid with different volume fractions calculated using theoretical calculations. 3D model of the heat exchanger is made in Pro/Engineer and analysis is completed in Ansys. The materials considered for shell and tube heat exchanger are Aluminum and Copper.
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