Face Recognition Based Security System Using Sift Algorithm

Tegala Balaprasad, R.V.V Krishna


Present days most of the door lock systems are organized by humans with the application of keys, secured password & unpredictable pattern to operate the door. The purpose of this paper is to help the users to develop the security by using face detection & recognition at high sensitive locations. Face is a very complicated multidimensional structure hence it requires well recognized computing techniques for the identification of the face. This paper is encompassed into three parts: namely face recognition, automatic door access mechanism & sends SMS. Face recognition is the process of detecting the region of face in a person. This concept is implemented by using SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) Algorithm. It is established on Image features (Space, image translation, rotation, scaling, illumination and camera viewpoint), these set of significant features are used to describe the variation among face images. Face recognition is an essential part of biometrics in that basic mannerisms of human is matched to the existing data in database and depending on result of equivalent identification of a human being is extracted. The door responds automatically for the known person due to the command from the ARM7 processor. If the person is known from database sends report to the person mobile as a SMS “Welcome to the officeâ€. On the other hand, alarm will ring for the unknown person & sends SMS to the control room as “ Unknown person is in front of the doorâ€.


SIFT Algorithm, SMS, GSM, ARM7.


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