Collection of Effective Live traffic Information on Broadcasting Channel

M vamsi Krishna, S Madhuri, M Naga Babu


Several online services provide live traffic data by analyzing collected data from road sensors, traffic cameras, and crowd sourcing techniques such as Google- Map, Navteq, INRIX Traffic Information Provider, and TomTom NV, etc. These systems can work out the photograph shortest path queries based on current live traffic data. But they do not account routes to drivers incessantly due to high operating costs. Answering the shortest paths on the live traffic data can be vision as a continuous monitoring problem in spatial databases which is termed online shortest paths computation (OSP) in this work. This function helps a driver to figure out the best route from his current position to destination. Naturally, the shortest path is work out by offline data pre-stored in the navigation systems and the weight travel time of the road edges is rough and ready by the road distance or historical data.


Shortest path, air index, broadcasting


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