Dynamic Access Control In Cloud Computing Using Encryption/Decryption
Cloud computing has emerged as one of the most important paradigms in the IT industry for last few years. In general data owners and service providers are not in the same trusted domain in cloud computing. Service providers should not be a trusted one anyhow they are all third party. The system focuses on a novel technique to Hierarchical Attribute Set Based Encryption (HASBE); it is driven by the Cipher Policy attribute based encryption (CPABE) with a  hierarchic al structure of cloud users. Cloud computing is known as “Utilityâ€. Cloud Computing enabling users to remotely store their data in a server and provide services on demand. Since this new computing technology requires user to entrust their valuable data to cloud providers, there have been increasing security and privacy concerns on outsourced data. We can increase security on access of the data in the cloud. Morever we can provide encryption on the data so third party can not use the data. In this paper we will be reviewing various encryption based access control model for enhancing cloud security along with their limitations. We will be concluding with a proposed access control model to enhance cloud security. The proposed work focuses CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for business model that is driven by the category of Software as a Service (Saas) method in cloud. Using this scheme it achieves the flexible, scalable and fine grained access control of data. It also achieves high secure and effective user revocation in cloud environment.
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