A novel Fuzzy Based STATCOM Control Scheme for the Grid Connected Wind Energy Generating System

K KotaiahChowdary, P Raghavarani


Framework of a fuzzy logic controller utilizing the voltage as criticism for altogether enhancing the dynamic execution of compensator with great solidness component to be accomplished. The impacts of the power quality estimations are the dynamic power, responsive power, variety of voltage, gleam, sounds, and electrical conduct of exchanging operations. The establishments of wind turbine with the framework reasons power quality issues are resolved. A Novel Fuzzy based STATCOM (Static synchronous Compensator) is a shunt, flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) gadget with some canny information, used to remunerate the responsive power in a lattice, and by this balance out the network voltage. Static compensator (STATCOM) with a battery energy storage system (BESS) is joined at the purpose of basic coupling to moderate the power quality issues with great steadiness element, low mistake values. The matrix associated wind energy era frameworks for power quality change by utilizing STATCOM with a few controllers are proposed. Here two control plans for STATCOM are thought about: Bang-Bang current controller and Fuzzy rationale controller. Blast Bang controller is a hysteresis current controlled procedure. The STATCOM control plan for the lattice joined wind energy era framework for power quality change is reproduced utilizing MATLAB/SIMULINK.


Wind Power, Distribution Network, Induction Generator, STATCOM, Reactive Power, Harmonics, and Power Quality.


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