Automatic Traffic Lights Control Using ARM7 Based On CO2 Emissions
Monitoring and controlling of city traffic is becoming a difficult task in most of the city. With the ever increasing number of vehicles on the road, the Traffic Monitoring Authority has to find new methods of overcoming such a problem. Present Traffic Light Controllers (TLCs) is based on microcontroller and microprocessor which have limitations because it uses the pre-defined hardware, which is functioning according to the program that does not have the flexibility of modification on real time basis Due to the fixed time intervals of green, orange and red signals the waiting time is more and vehicle uses more fuel. This proposed project makes use of Networks along with Embedded Technology. This paper aims to design a safe and efficient traffic flow by reducing the effect of CO2 emitted from vehicles at that region and assign the right way which minimizes the delay or waiting time at road.
The CO2 level emitted from vehicles in all directions will be transmitted through CO2 sensor we used in our system which is to sense the Carbon di-oxide emissions from the vehicles. The receiver at the TLC will receive the information. The information from all directions is transmitted and received through the Zigbee wireless communication. Based on CO2 levels, the traffic light indication will be given in the appropriate directions. The status will be shown in LCD and SMS alert will be sent to the Traffic Control Room using Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM).
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