Eco-Physiological Studies On Fox Sagar Lake With Reference To Water Quality

A. Rajani, E.M. Sunitha, T. Sreelakshmi, P. Vaani, O. Sitakumari, K. Shailaja


The present paper deals with the ecological studies on Fox Sagar lake with reference to pollution. For this purpose both physico-chemical and biological parameters were analysed. Fox Sagar lake is famous for its natural beauty known locally as Kotta Cheruvu. It is located in Jeedimetla near Kompally, Hyderabad. The lake is popular for fishing and a popular spot for picnics.

The water samples from the surface were collected from the three sampling stations every month in polythene cans for a period of 2 years from June 2013 to May 2015. All the samples were carried to the laboratory. The samples were analyzed on the same day for different physico-­chemical factors following the standard methods. Surface water samples for phytoplankton were collected from the 3 sampling stations. One litre of the sample was kept in sedimentation columns after adding 4% Formaldehyde solution. In Fox Sagar lake four groups of algae were recorded i.e, Cyanophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenophyceae.



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