Carbon Nanotube based approach on FETs using Ternary Comparator

M Koti Reddy


A Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNFET) is referred to as a FET that utilizes a single Carbon Nanotube or an array of carbon nanotubes as the channel material instead of bulk silicon in the traditional MOSFET structure. New approach of ternary magnitude comparator based on the CNFET ternary logic gates. These gates are promising alternative to conventional logic design because of its energy efficiency, it can accomplish by the reduced circuit on ternary logic. Ternary comparator implementation is based on prefix based design and combines ternary and binary logic gates for optimized implementation. A novel approach of a comparator has been implemented and simulated using SPICE. A design response indicates that the 1-bit comparator consumes less power say 0.65µW and has a delay of 21ps. The simulation results for comparators with versatile lengths of operands.


Comparator, CNFET, Ternery logic


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