Medical Decision Support Using Machine Learning And Natural Language Processing

Bulusu Krishna Sashidhar, Srinivasa Babji Josyula


The Machine Learning (ML) field has got much attention among the researchers in almost many fields of science and engineering because of it its vast application. The common application areas are medical decision support, medical imaging, protein-protein interaction, extraction of medical knowledge, and for overall patient management care. ML is used as a tool to introduce computer-based systems in the healthcare field in order to get a better, more efficient medical care. In this work Machine Learning and Natural language Processing are used for extracting knowledge from published medical papers. It extracts the sentences that mention diseases and treatments and identifies therelationship between them.


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Frunza, Oana, Diana Inkpen, and Thomas Tran. "A machine learning approach for identifying disease-treatment relations in short texts." Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 23.6 (2011): 801-814.

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