Gesture to Voice Conversion for Speech and Hearing Impaired Disabilities

Mandapati.Praveen Kumar Reddy, Tuti. Sandhya


Glove-based systems stand for one of the most significant efforts meant at obtain hand movement data. It also analyzes the kind of the devices, offers a road map of the development of the technology, and converse precincts of current technology and drift at the frontiers of investigate.  The progress of the most admired devices for hand society achievement, glove-based systems, started about 30 years ago and keeps on to appoint a growing number of researchers. It is then not surprising that an extensive amount of research effort has been staunch to developing technologies for cram contact and management and for enhances our facility to act upon such tasks.


D. J. Sturman and D. Zeltzer, “A survey of glove-based input,†IEEE Comput. Graph. Appl., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 30–39, Jan. 1994.

D. J. Sturman. (1992). Whole-hand input, Ph.D. dissertation, Massachusetts Inst. Technol., Cambridge [Online]. Available:

G. Grimes, “Digital data entry glove interface device,†U.S. Patent 4 414 537, AT&T Bell Lab., Murray Hill, NJ, Nov. 1983.

J. J. LaViola, “A survey of hand posture and gesture recognition techniques and technology,†Brown Univ., Providence, RI, Tech. Rep. CS-99-11, Jun. 1999.

T. G. Zimmerman, “Optical flex sensor,†U.S. Patent 4 542 291, Sep. 29, 1982.

H. Eglowstein, “Reach out and touch your data,†Byte, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 283–290, Jul. 1990.

D. L. Gardner, “The Power Glove,†Des. News, vol. 45, pp. 63–68, Dec. 1989.


F. Hofmann and J. Henz, “The TU-Berlin SensorGlove,†Tech. Univ. Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Tech. Rep., 1995.

F. Hofmann, “Der TU-Berlin Sensorhandschuh, technische Beschreibung und aktueller Stand,†Tech. Univ. Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Tech. Rep., Nov. 1998.

N. Karlsson, B. Karlsson, and P. Wide, “A glove equipped with finger flexion sensors as a command generator used in fuzzy control system,†IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1330–1334, Oct. 1998.

S. Mascaro and H. H. Asada, “Fingernail touch sensors: Spatially distributed measurements and hemodynamic modeling,†in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom., 2000, vol. 4, pp. 3422–3427.

S. Mascaro and H. H. Asada, “Photoplethysmograph fingernail sensors for measuring finger forces without haptic obstruction,†IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 698–708, Oct. 2001.

S. Mascaro and H. H. Asada, “Finger posture and shear force measurement using fingernail sensors: Initial experimentation,†in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robot. Autom., 2001, vol. 2, pp. 1857–1862.

J. L. Hernandez-Rebollar, N. Kyriakopoulos, and R.W. Lindeman, “The AcceleGlove: A whole-hand input device for virtual reality,†in Proc. SIGGRAPH, 2002, p. 259.

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