Forecast-Founded Haze Bandwidth And Cost Decrease Scheme

Mahendra Gadde, T v sampath kumar


In last couple of years there huge increase in the usage cloud computing because cloud computing is emerging style of IT-delivery in which applications, data and resources are rapidly provisioned provided as standardized offerings to users with a flexible price. But it is important to provide the convenient pricing model for the users of cloud. Hence we design a new traffic redundancy and elimination scheme for reducing the cloud bandwidth and costs. Cloud computing is a fast growing field which is arguably a new computing paradigm. In cloud computing, computing resources are provided as services over the internet and users can access resources by paying. When we are trying to minimize the cloud cost, transmission cost plays a major role. In this paper, we present PACK (Predictive ACKs) mechanism, a novel end-to-end traffic redundancy elimination (TRE) system, designed for cloud computing customers. During this



paper we provide a survey on the new traffic redundancy technique called novel-TRE conjointly called receiver based TRE. This novel-TRE has important options like detective work the redundancy at the customer, randomly rotating appear chained, matches incoming chunks with a antecedently received chunk chain or native file and sending to the server for predicting the long run information and no would like of server to unceasingly maintain consumer state.


Caching, Cloud Computing, Network Optimization, Traffic Redundancy Elimination.


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