Ladderal Structure Of Super Resolution With Support Of Inpainting
Inpainting is the process of reconstructing lost or deteriorated part of images based on the background information. i. e. image Inpainting fills the missing or damaged region in an image utilizing spatial information of its neighboring region.We address the issue in ability deal of image blurring and low resolution. This paper introduces a new examplar-based inpainting framework. A coarse version of the input image is first inpainted by a nonparametric patch sampling. Compared to existing approaches, some improvements have been done (e.g. filling order computation, combination of K nearest neighbours) A hierarchical super-resolution algorithm is then used to recover details on the missing areas. The advantage of this approach is that
it is easier to inpaint low-resolution pictures than high-resolution ones. The gain is both in terms of computational complexity and visual quality.
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