Procedure To Establish A Secure Self-Configured Environment For Data Distribution And Services Sharing Among Users
A spontaneous network is a particular case of ad hocnetworks. They usually have little or no dependence on acentralized administration. Spontaneous networks can bewired or wireless. We regard as only wireless spontaneousnetworks in this paper. Their objective is the integration of services and devices in the same environment enabling theuser to have instant service without any external infrastructure.Because these networks are implemented indevices such as laptops, PDAs or mobile phones withlimited capacities they must use a lightweight protocol andnew methods to control manage and integrate them. To resolve mentioned securityissues we used an authentication phase and a trust phase. Moreover we presented a method to allow nodesto check the legitimacy of their IP addresses while notgenerating duplicated IP addresses. The mechanism helpsnodes to authenticate by using their IP addresses. We haveused this mechanism in the secure protocol presented inthis paper.
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