Integrated with Boost-Buck-Boost Topology on Solar & Wind Renewable Energy Resources

Garaga Sai Subrahmanya Ramesh, T Amar Kiran


The integration was started with wind farms. When the price for photovoltaic panels became affordable, the penetration of PV became to be used more often but not necessarily at the same level of power as wind. For medium to high power the PV’s are modularly used. Many studies propose small power integration (few kW) for both wind and solar PV as hybrid stand-alone systems. Other studies added fuel cells and batteries creating the concept of multi-port system. I have proposed a double-port boost-buck-boost (BBB) topology that enhances the power capability of the PV-Wind power system during partial solar irradiation and weak winds. In this paper a hybrid power electronics interface that combines the energy from solar photovoltaic panel and wind generator into a small scale stand-alone system is proposed. After the description of operation of this Dual-port interface, a simulation model for 1 kW PV array integrated together with a 1.5 kW wind generator was developed and simulation results are presented.


boost buck boost converters,double input interface,potovoltaic arrays,wind generators,renewable energy resources,single phase inverter,battery,pwm technique


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