Role of Cloud Computing in Health Monitoring System

Sunkara Vaishnavi, Akula Suneetha


Patient care is the focus of many clinical disciplines application but it is very  complex as patient care is the essential information for direct patient care is defined on the applications. The present applications are not provide security on health monitoring system. The patient details are stored in cloud for the purpose of privacy and security but these are not retrieved accurate and not provide efficient privacy. However we are having major question in cloud health monitoring system What information does each professional generate? Where, when, and in what form is it needed?Even broader definitions of e-health and e-environment are used for describing processes in health care and the environment that are electronically / digitally covered, instead of just being available on the Internet. So this paper address above problem and solved the problem of patient health details are monitored very and retrospective analysis of patient-care data had become a priority need of all customers. So we are providing section health monitoring..


Mobile health (mHealth), Healthcare, Privacy, Outsourcing


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