Implementation of Health Care Monitoring System using low power MCU’s and ARM CORTEX A8

R.V.V. Krishna, R. Gnana Vargin


The present common goal in the medical information technology is the design and implementation of telemedicine solutions, which provides a reliable and quality of services to patients. With the advent of recent development in sensors, low-power integrated circuits (IC’s), and wireless communications have brought the design of miniature, low-cost, and intelligent body sensor modules. These modules are capable of measuring, processing, communicating one or more physiological parameters, and can be integrated into a wireless personal area network. In this paper, we proposed a wireless body sensor module, based on low power microcontrollers and RF devices that perform the measurements and transmit the different bio sensors data to a Local Sensor Network server. Local Sensor Network (LSN) server will run a signal monitor application which  receives the information from wireless sensor module and draw the signal graph on the display according to received data and further updated to central health care surveillance centre. The LSN server should be able to connect all the nearby sensor modules through wireless media and update its data periodically.  Any sudden urge found in the signal will alarm the corresponding doctor. In order to handle such more number of sensor module connections, the Local sensor network server should be implemented with high performance processor. In this paper, the ARM Cortex A8 processor is one of the best choices to meet all the requirements of


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