Scuttling Web Opportunities By Application Cramming
The web contains large data and it contains innumerable websites that is monitored by a tool or a program known as Crawler. The main goal of this paper is to focus on the web forum crawling techniques. In this paper, the various techniques of web forum crawler and challenges of crawling are discussed. The paper also gives the overview of web crawling and web forums.
Internet is emergent exponentially and has become progressively more. Now, it is complicated to retrieve relevant information from internet. The rapid growth of the internet poses unprecedented scaling challenges for general purpose crawlers and search engines. In this paper, we present a novel Forum Crawler under Supervision (FoCUS) method, which supervised internet-scale forum crawler. The intention of FoCUS is to crawl relevant forum information from the internet with minimal overhead, this crawler is to selectively seek out pages that are pertinent to a predefined set of topics, rather than collecting and indexing all accessible web documents to be capable to answer all possible ad-hoc questions. FoCUS is continuously keeps on crawling the internet and finds any new internet pages that have been added to the internet, pages that have been removed from the internet. Due to growing and vibrant activity of the internet; it has become more challengeable to navigate all URLs in the web documents and to handle these URLs. We will take one seed URL as input and search with a keyword, the searching result is based on keyword and it will fetch the internet pages where it will find that keywordKeywords
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