A Novel Approach for O (1) Parallel Sorting Algorithm

Lamesginew Andargie, Gizachew Melkamu, Dr. Vuda Sreenivasarao


Sorting is an algorithm of the most relevant operations performed on computers. In particular, it is a crucial tool when it comes to processing huge volumes of data into the memory. There are different types of sorting algorithms: simple sorting algorithms(such as insertion, selection and bubble)  and parallel sorting(such as parallel merge sort, Odd-even sorting, Bitonic sort and O(1) parallel sorting ) algorithm. Parallel sorting is the process of using multiple processing units to collectively sort an unordered sequence of data. In this paper is devoted to the discovery of new approach to O (1) parallel sorting algorithm, in which redundant data didn't taken into consideration yet.


Sorting, Parallel Algorithm, O(1) Sorting Algorithm.


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