Accessable and Confident allotment of Personal Health Records in the cloud
PHRs grant patients access to a wide range of health information sources, best medical practices and health knowledge. In patient centric secure sharing, patients will create, manage and control their personal health data from one place using the web. Prior to storing the records in cloud server, they are encrypted using encryption algorithm which ensures the patient’s full control over their PHR. In addition to PHR (Medical history, current exams), personal files, insurance details and sensitive information can also be stored and shared. Patients only decide which set of users can access which set of files. All the files stored in clouds which are semi-trusted servers, are in the encrypted form and are confidential to other users. We make use of Attribute Based encryption (ABE) to encrypt the files. In this scheme, users are categorized into personal and professional domains which greatly reduce the key management complexity. There is a structured way to access the files for personal and professional purposes. Patients are able to dynamically modify the access policy and attributes.
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