Design and Analysis of Turbo Jet Engine

Sridhar Bathina, Veeramani Aketi, Mahesh Dangeti


This project endeavors to create a turbojet engine using Catia software. The design draws upon extensive research from industry experts and historical advancements in jet engine technology. Carefully chosen design methodologies were employed to streamline the engine design process, with the primary goal being the development of a fully functional turbojet engine.

The landscape of air travel has evolved significantly, enabling swift global travel. However, the aviation industry faced limitations in the past, relying on Rotary Piston IC engines characterized by constrained travel speeds and distances, high fuel consumption, and elevated transportation expenses. The advent of turbojet engines, classified as Rotary-Reaction Turbine Engines, marked a pivotal advancement in aviation. In contrast to Rotary piston engines, turbojet engines demonstrate superior efficiency, catalyzing the subsequent evolution of engines like turbofan, turboprop, and turbo shaft engines as enhancements over the original turbojet design.



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