Based on PV's New Control Strategy A Fuzzy Logic Controller Is Used To Track Power Oscillation Damping
In order to dampen power oscillations (POD) in transmission networks, this paper provides a novel control of a PV solar system as a STATCOM, or PV-STATCOM. It is suggested that the solar farm temporarily (few tens of seconds) stop generating real power in response to power oscillations caused by system disturbances and instead use its complete inverter capacity as a STATCOM for POD. Power oscillations are dampened as soon as they occur, and the solar farm gradually returns to its pre-disturbance output level. Faster restoration is possible because of this method rather than the grid codes. During the night, the entire inverter capacity of the solar farm performs POD. MATLAB simulations indicate that the suggested control increases power transfer capacity significantly and continuously in systems that exhibit both local inertial and inter-area oscillatory modes. To provide POD at the same location, the proposed PV-STATCOM is 50-100 times less expensive than an analogous STATCOM. POD (power outage detection) is a new business prospect for solar farms that can save transmission companies money. In order to regulate pv-statcom more effectively, this paper utilises fuzzy logic control. MATLAB/SIMULINK was used to analyse the data.
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