Energy Management System for Hybrid Electrical Vehicle Using a Bidirectional DC/DC Converter Topology

Dharmireddy Mani, Kondapalli Papa Rao


This paper organizes a application of  hybrid electric vehicle systems operated with novel designed bidirectional dc-dc converter (BDC) which interfaces a main energy storage (ES1),an auxiliary energy storage (ES2) and dc bus of different voltage levels. Proposed BDC converter can operate both step up and step down mode. In which step up mode represents low voltage dual source -powering mode and step down mode represents high voltage dc link energy –regenerating mode, both the modes are operated under the control of bidirectional power flow. This model can independently control power flow between low voltage dual source buck/boost modes. Here in, the circuit configuration, operation, steady-state analysis, and closed-loop control of the proposed BDC are discussed according to its three modes of power transfer. In this project fuzzy logic controller is used and also system results are validates through MATLAB/SIMULINK software.


Ching-Ming Lai, Member, IEEE, Yu-Huei Cheng, Senior Member, IEEE, Ming-Hua Hsieh, and Yuan-Chih Lin†Development of a Bidirectional DC/DC Converter with Dual-Battery Energy Storage for Hybrid Electric Vehicle System†2017 IEEE

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