Energy Consumption and Node Failure Detection towards End To End Packet Delay in Wireless Sensor Networks

Ch Rama Tulasi, S V Krishna Reddy


This paper examines the issue of energy utilization in wireless sensor networks. Wireless sensor nodes sent in brutal condition where the conditions change radically experience the ill effects of unexpected changes in connect quality and node status. The start to finish postponement of every sensor node changes because of the variety of connection quality and node status. Then again, the sensor nodes are provided with restricted energy and it is an extraordinary worry to expand the network lifetime. To adapt to those issues, this paper proposes a novel and straightforward steering metric, anticipated outstanding conveyances (PRD), joining boundaries, including the remaining energy, interface quality, start to finish deferral, and separation together to accomplish better network execution. PRD doles out loads to singular connections just as start to finish delay, in order to mirror the node status over the long haul of the network. Huge scope reenactment results show that PRD performs better than the broadly utilized ETX metric just as other two measurements concocted as of late as far as energy utilization and start to finish delay, while ensuring bundle conveyance proportion.


Wireless sensor networks, neighborhood node, node failure, sensor node scheduling, fault tolerance, Security.


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