A New Algorithm to Generate The Integrated Access Trees For A Document Collection

Ravuri Aruna Jyothi, Tadi Sai Durga


ABE schemes have been broadly in use to firmly store and allocate data in cloud computing. A procedure method which congregates the requirements of different data users is considered and used to encrypt distributed file systems. Cloud computing accumulates and categorizes a huge amount of data method possessions to endow with secure, efficient, flexible and on demand services. In ABE schemes, every document is encrypted independently and a data user can decrypt a document if the attribute set equivalents the access formation of the document. In this we confine our consideration to the document collection encryption-decryption process and pay no attention to the other technical challenges such as symmetric encryption algorithms and encrypted document search algorithms. The protection of CP-ABHE is hypothetically established and the efficiency of the integrated access tree construction algorithm is scrutinized in facet. The intact document outsourcing and sharing system contains abundant delve into lines.


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