A secure cloud storage scheme on fog computing- ð‘‹ð‘œð‘Ÿâˆ’ð¶ð‘œð‘šð‘ð‘–ð‘›ð‘Žð‘¡ð‘–ð‘œð‘›, ðµð‘™ð‘œð‘ð‘˜âˆ’ð‘€ð‘Žð‘›ð‘Žð‘”ð‘’ð‘šð‘’ð‘›ð‘¡ and ð¶ð‘…ð» operation
Fog server based three-layer design has been introduced for secure storage employing multiple clouds. The fundamental methods utilized are Hash-Solomon code and redid hash algorithm so as to achieve the objective. However, it brought about loss of littler part of data to cloud servers and neglected to give better change location and data recoverability. It proposes a novel haze driven secure cloud storage plan to ensure data against unapproved access, alteration, and obliteration. To forestall ill-conceived get to, the proposed plot utilizes another system ð‘‹ð‘œð‘Ÿâˆ’ð¶ð‘œð‘šð‘ð‘–ð‘›ð‘Žð‘¡ð‘–ð‘œð‘› to cover data. Also, block management outsources the results of ð‘‹ð‘œð‘Ÿâˆ’ð¶ð‘œð‘šð‘ð‘–ð‘›ð‘Žð‘¡ð‘–ð‘œð‘› to forestall pernicious recovery and to guarantee better recoverability if there should arise an occurrence of data misfortune. At the same time, we propose a procedure dependent on hash algorithm so as to encourage alteration detection with higher probability.
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