A new dynamic access control technique to maintain PHRS in cloud
We propose another access control conspire for PHRs which can be given by different patients. The plan comprises of ABE layer and symmetric key layer. In ABE layer, the plan bolsters a multi-benefit get to control for PHRs from multi-patients. The plan joins the encryption of information from various patients where the information are under a similar access approach to take care of the issue of tedious procedure in encryptions of these information, with the goal that the expense of encryption and unscrambling can be diminished. The plan accomplishes a productive, adaptable, and fine-grained get to control on PHRs. In symmetric key layer, symmetric keys coordinate restorative specialists' entrance benefits and the keys with higher benefit can infer keys with lower benefit, not the a different way. The patients scramble each class of information with relating symmetric keys in symmetric key layer, and encode the symmetric keys in the ABE layer. We demonstrate our plan is secure dependent on security of CP-ABE.
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