Multi-Resource Fair Allocation in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Systems

P. Keerthy, J. Bala Ambedkar


A multi-resource fair allocation mechanism, also called Per-Server Dominant Share Fairness (PSDSF), which is appropriate to heterogeneous servers in the occurrence of position restraint. The instinct following PSDSF is to imprison the collision of server heterogeneity by compute the entirety allocated possessions to each user clearly from the outlook of each server. Particularly, PS-DSF makes out a practical dominant share (VDS) for each user with deference to each server as opposed to a single system-wide dominant share in DRF. Capable and fair resource distribution in such a collective computing system is for the most part exigent since of the incidence of multiple types of resources, multiplicity in the workloads’ needs for these possessions, heterogeneity in the resource capacities of servers, and assignment restraint on which servers may be used by a workload.


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