Multi Scale Modeling of Honey Comb Sandwich Panels Using FEA

Vurlankala Gowthami Priyanka, Moolpuru Rajesh


Honeycomb structures are finding huge applications in automobile and aerospace these days due to their lightweights with high specific stiffness compared to traditional materials and a lot of research is going in modeling the honeycomb structures for user defined applications. Due to its wide variations in the geometry, coupon testing of these specimens goes beyond the time and cost allocations for the projects in industries. Virtual testing is the next alternative with which the models are simulated using numerical methods, but many times involves huge computational efforts due to their intricate shapes and features involved.

The idea is to come up with an analysis technique that can provide the information of global structure at a local level so that one can check the feasibility of the idea going to be implemented. Multi scale modeling proves to be an ideal approach to address the above issue with adaptive modeling and scale connecting capability


Burton, W.S. and Noor, A.K., (1997). Assessment of Continuum Models for Sandwich Panel Honeycomb Cores, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanicsand Engineering, 145(3): 341-360.

Aydıncak, Ä., and Kayran, A,. An Approach for the Evaluation of Effective Elastic Properties of Honeycomb Cores by Finite Element Analysis of Sandwich Panels, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, to appear.

Masters, I.G., and Evans, K.E., (1996). Models for the Elastic Deformation of Honeycombs, Composite Structures, 35(4): 403-422.

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