A New Control Strategy For Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel PV Inverter With Distributed MPPT For Grid Connected Applications

Nagulapalli Trimurthulu, M Sudheer Kumar


A three - phase  modular  cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter for a grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system is presented in this project. To maximize the solar energy extraction of each PV string, an individual maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control scheme is applied, which allows the independent control of each dc-link voltage. PV mismatches may introduce unbalanced power supplied to the three-phase system. To solve this issue, a control scheme with modulation compensation is proposed. The three-phase modular cascaded multilevel inverter prototype has been built. A fuzzy controller is implemented in this project in the place of PI controller to balance the three phase grid current . Each H-bridge module is connected to a 185-W solar panel. Simulation results are presented to verify the feasibility of the proposed approach in MATLAB /SIMULINK environment.



Bailu Xiao, Student Member, IEEE, Lijun Hang, Member, IEEE, Jun Mei, Member, IEEE, Cameron Riley, Student Member, IEEE, Leon M. Tolbert, Fellow, IEEE, and Burak Ozpineci, Senior Member, IEEE†Modular Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel PV Inverter With Distributed MPPT for

Grid-Connected Applicationsâ€

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