Current Control of Three Phase Grid – Connected PV Inverter Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
Distributed Generation (DG) is now widely employed in many electricity generation networks. It is mostly based on energy storage and renewable energy sources such as wind turbines (WT), photovoltaic cells (PV) and fuel cells to minimize pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. For large scale installations, a three phase power electronic inverter utilized to interface the source of renewable energy to the utility grid. The inverter and the associated control system are at the core of the energy conversion process and their operation is essential to inject high power quality, low harmonic distortion, current to the grid. For this reason international harmonic and power quality recommendations, such as IEEE Standard 519 and 1547, are often in place to limit the harmonic currents injected into the grid. Typically, 5% current total harmonic distortion (THD) limit is imposed. A Fuzzy controller is also implemented in this project in order to reduce the total harmonic distortion. In addition, the fuzzy and adaptive PR controller offers superior output power regulation, and improved power quality performance. Results are analyzed through MATLAB/SIMULINK environment
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