Improve query response time and reduce CPU cost in web search

N Devi, P.Radhika Krupalini


We suggest the Predictive Energy Saving Online Scheduling Algorithm (PESOS) to choice the greatest suitable CPU frequency to procedure a query on a per-core basis. PESOS goal at procedure queries by their limits, and leverage high-level preparation info to decrease the CPU energy ingesting of a query dispensation node. PESOS base its result on inquiry efficacy predictors, guessing the meting out volume and meting out time of a query. We experimentally gauge PESOS upon the TREC ClueWeb09B collection and the MSN2006 query log. PESOS outpace also the best state-of-the-art entrant with a 20% oomph saving, while the player requires a fine restriction fine-tuning and it may invite in wild potential abuses.


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