Passmatrix: efficient authentication mechanism to protect user data
We present a safe graphical verification arrangement named Pass Matrix that defends users from flattering fatalities of bear surfing attacks when entering passwords in community through the custom of one-time login indicators. A login indicator is arbitrarily made for each pass-image and will be unusable after the meeting dismisses. The login pointer delivers better safety in contradiction of shoulder surfing attacks, meanwhile users use an active pointer to point out the position of their passwords slightly than snapping `on the key thing straight.
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“Google glass snoopers can steal your passcode with a glance,â€
ht``tp:// your-passcode-with-a-glance/.
Hung-Min sun, Shiuan-Tung Chen,Jyh-Haw Yeh and Chia-Yun Cheng, A Shoulder Surfing Resistant Graphical Authentication System,2017
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