Efficient and Secure Routing In Network Layer For MANET
Secure routing and communication security protocols can be combined and applied on the messages to deliver them with complete shielding. The custom of communication security protocols initially advanced for wire line and Wi-Fi networks can also present a heavy burden on the limited network resources of a MANET. To discourse these issues, a novel secure framework (SUPERMAN) was projected. The basis is planned to consent existing network and routing protocols to complete their functions, while providing node authentication, access control, and communication security mechanisms. In this work we present innovative security framework for MANETs, SUPERMAN. Recreation results comparing SUPERMAN with IPsec, SAODV and SOLSR are provided to determine the suggested frameworks correctness for wireless communication security.
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Darren Hurley-Smith, Jodie Wetherall and Andrew Adekunle, SUPERMAN: Security Using Pre-Existing Routing for Mobile Ad hoc
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