A Novel Mechanism for Multipath Routing in MANET

Yakkali Venkateswara Gupta, Nadella Sunil


Energy consumption is careful as one of the main limits in MANET, as the mobile nodes do not own perpetual control stock and has to depend on  batteries, thus dipping network era as batteries get exhausted very fast as nodes move and modification their positions rapidly across MANET. The study proposed in these weekly things to see this very specific problem of energy consumption in MANET by applying the Fitness Function technique to adjust the energy consumption in Ad Hoc on Demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) routing protocol. The proposed protocol is called Ad Hoc on Demand Multipath Distance Vector with the Fitness Function (FF-AOMDV). The capability job is used to invention the optimal path from the mechanism to the destination to condense the energy consumption in multipath routing.



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Mueen Uddin*1,Aqeel Taha1,Raed Alsaqour2,Tanzila Saba3..(2017).Energy efficient multipath routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc network using the fitness funcSSSStion

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