Evaluate The Quality Of Marked Decrypted Image Quantitatively To Encrypted Images Using Rdh

N Bhaskar, VijayKumar Janga


Encryption is an effectual and popular means as it converts the original and significant content to incomprehensible one. Even though few RDH methods in encrypted images have been published yet there are some talented applications if RDH can be applied to encrypted images. Hwang et al. supported a reputation-based trust-management system enhanced with data colouring a way of embedding data into covers and software watermarking in which data encryption and colouring offer potential for upholding the content owner’s privacy and data integrity. Apparently the cloud service provider has no right to commence everlasting distortion during data colouring into encrypted data. Therefore a reversible data colouring technique based on encrypted data is preferred. Suppose a medical image database is stored in a data centre and a server in the data centre can implant notations into an encrypted version of a medical image through a RDH technique. With the notations the server can handle the image or confirm its integrity without having the knowledge of the original content and thus the patient’s privacy is protected. On the other hand a doctor having the cryptographic key can decrypt and reinstate the image in a reversible manner for the reason of additional diagnosing.


Reversible data hiding (RDH), image encryption, privacy protection and histogram shift.


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