Thermal Analysis of Air Cooled Engine Cylinder Under Varying Fins Thickness

Puppala Maruthi Narayana


In Entire Automobile framework, internal combustion engine is the primary part which is exposed to high temperature varieties and thermal stresses. Heat will be delivered to the atmosphere by means of forced convection in an air cooled engine .Heat fins are put in external surface of the air cooled motor chamber. Heat transfer rate is based on the effects of fin geometry, the ambient temperature and the vehicle speed (velocity).

Current paper is to dissect the impact of fin parameters on heat fin performance in down to earth working conditions which incorporates heat fin materials, variable thickness and variable pitch of heat fin .Heat fins of an air cooled motor chamber is designed in UG-NX 11 (Unigraphics) and thermal investigation is finished by the ANSYS 18.0 and NX-Nastran programming tools . Current examination depends on Transient structural analysis and transient Thermal investigation taken as an input is Heat transfer. Acquired outcomes are total deformation, temperature distribution and heat flux of three variable materials like, Al6061 (aluminum combinations), AMC-SCI (Mg composite), CGI (cast iron compound). Examined results depend on convective heat transfer coefficient, practical prerequisites, high temperature resistance and low weight factor. Among three materials AMC-SCI (Mg compound) is the ideal material and it might be replaced conventional Al 6061 (aluminium alloy) for making of air cooled engine cylinder in further future.


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