Smart Trolley Using RFID in Super Markets

M. Chithambarathanu


The Supermarkets are the place where people usually go for the shopping to buy the products which they need and pay the bill for products. The cashier need to calculate the number of products as well as bill the products. The people also search their required products in the Supermarket. This is a time taking process for the customers as well as cashier. This process eliminates the traditional scanning of the products at the counter and speeds – up the entire process of shopping. By using, this system the customer shall know the total amount to be paid. Also the system has a feature to delete the scanned products further optimize the shopping experience of the customer. The hardware for the test run is based on the Arduino platform and RFID module as both are very popular in small scale research and wireless automation solution.


smart trolley, arduino platform and rfid module.


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